Monday, 12 August 2013

Quiet Life high Summer/Autumn delivery

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The Quiet Life have started to deliver their new Autumn/Fall 13 collection into stores across the UK. However we would prefer to call it their high high summer delivery, because the sun is shining we are still in the midst of summer! Here are some images of a few key styles from the collection, consisting of  pocket t shirts, a 5 panel cap, polo cap & snapback cap. Stay tuned for more featured styles from this drop.Screen Shot 2013-07-16 at 16.00.19Screen Shot 2013-07-16 at 15.57.57Screen Shot 2013-07-16 at 16.01.21Screen Shot 2013-07-16 at 15.58.06Screen Shot 2013-07-16 at 16.01.42